Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend In Review

RIP Johnny Sack. The Shit is about to hit the fan. Who is next to go? Phil? Christopher? All I know is Phil is about to go on a killing spree.....Leave thoughts on last nights episode in comments section.

Carl Pavano, Rich Harden, and Kerry Wood have arm issues. Pavano and Wood are already on the DL, and Harden will join him soon I imagine. Did Pitchers get hurt this much when they ever used Steroids?

Knicks eliminated from playoffs. Let's be reminded that the Knicks held the 8th (and final) playoff spot for exactly one day this season. Isiah was given an extension from James Dolan the following day.

Mariano Rivera gives up walk off HR to Roberto Baggio (might as well have been). It's Rivera's first HR allowed since August 27 2006. No word on whether Mo will be moved to the rotation.

Jackie Robinson Honored Across America. Mother Nature may be a little bit racist as 6 baseball games are rained out on the 60th Anniversary of Jackie Robinson playing for the Dodgers. Miss nature also must have bet against my fantasy baseball team this week.


jbrizzy said...

Absolutely TREMENDOUS episode. Great performance by J Sack. Loving the Spider/Tony angle. Shit is goin down. Looks like I would not want to be Paulie Walnuts right now.

Craig R. said...

Is there any bigger sign of disrespect than having a phone conversation during Cleaver? The fact that Phil wants to be remembered is now going to make things interesting....

Anonymous said...

Agreed...this episode was terrific. Great how they worked in all the characters. Meanwhile how great is little Carmine's nightly ritual. Get home, strip naked, take a swim in the pool. Wife brings him out his drink, he then goes upstairs, lays down in the Air Conditioning, then gets served dinner in bed. Fuck being BOSS...........

Craig R. said...

Seriously, that guy has zero risk and reaps all the benefits. Who does Phil kill first?

Anonymous said... about the Jewish Doc having killed his wife, wife's aunt and postman. "I should mention I had a problem abusing Cocaine adn Alcohol." LOVED IT!

On a wispier note (also known as AJ's "Dick in a Box" beard) what's with his girlfriend?